We left Marikina City at around 7am and arrived there two hours later. We brought a van and we were able to bring our bikes by disassembling both tires. Putting them in the van was very exhausting, but it was well worth it.

We had a quick breakfast at McDonald’s along SLEX. Then when we arrived, quite a few minutes were allotted in reassembling some of the bikes after unloading them.
I still don’t have the proper biking attire so I just wore a running shirt paired with my college basketball shorts. Those, a P66 glasses I bought at Japan Home Center and a pair of sleeves Dennis lent me in the last minute.
After awhile, us mountain bikers separated ourselves from the others to try the bike trails we were able to pass through. Here’s the first which we saw near the South Luzon Hospital, I dub Nuvali Bike Trail 1:
The first trail was nothing compared to the second! Here’s what we had to go through:
That one took us more than an hour to finish, and it really pushed me, Ungri and Dave’s endurance and willpower to the limit. No kidding. Well, our idiocy was a big factor in helping us go through that experience: we thought the trail was like the first- fast and not that hard so we lay siege on it around 12nn where the sun was at its hottest. To make things worse, we also had no water with us.
We only realized our mistake when we were about half-way the trail already. Having no idea how near or far the end was, we risked and hoped for the possibility that the exit is nearby since we were already too far ahead to go back. So we kept going, and going, and going…until my vision was getting blurry and dark; tongue, throat and mouth were severely salty and parched; and my legs, wobbly and weak. All this happened while the sun gave us a stinging heatstroke. I thought about giving up, but it sure as hell wasn’t an option. If I did, I’d be dead before someone can actually go to where we are. We had no choice but to push through.
What’s annoying about this trail is that it’s very deceptive- in one turn, you’ll see the tall buildings closing in so you’ll think the exit is near, only to find out you’re gonna make another turn that will bring you farther. See the intestine-like trail in the map above? That’s going to be the effect when you’re actually there. It kind of raises up your hope, only to shatter it in the end, rinse, then repeat. It’s never-ending.
Josh and the other roadies biked the roads of Nuvali and even went to the park where you can do some wakeboarding. We met up after, had lunch at Jollibee, and biked some more.
We ended the day gloriously, and with tears, by ordering the ultra-hot and spicy Ultimate Wingsanity at Buffalo’s Wings N’ Things and get that certificate we oh so deserved for eating food that’s 850,000 Scoville heat units hot! But overall, I guess this is just the tip of the iceberg of visiting Nuvali. I’m sure there are a whole lot more to see here so a second visit is in order.