The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

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For today's Extreme Trial, we'll be doing The Ruby Weapon at the Cinder Drift.

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Optimized Ultima - raid-wide AoE

Magitek Bit - 4 drones from outside the arena targets random players with straight-line AoE lasers. Lasers will also fire dlater so watch out. Wait for the ground telegraph and then dodge

Flexiclaw - drills his tentacles into the ground, indicating his 'Claw' mechanics are next

Helioclaw + Magitek Bit x2 - 3 circle AoEs from boss that will move and explode along the curved line indicated on each AoE. Magitek Bit will be cast simultaneously

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

To handle:
1.) Step on the curved line to bait the Lasers first (#1)
2.) Once laser telegraphs appear, move to the safe spot BETWEEN the curved lines NEAR the boss (#2). It's hard to get this the first time around- you can look at the rotating explosions on the floor to see where the safe spots are

Stamp - tankbuster with vulnerability debuff. Use invulnerability or cooldowns, then tankswap regardless since you'll still have the debuff


Ravensclaw - 8 elevated lines on the floor will crawl outwards from the center- alternating long ones and short ones. There will be a circle AoE on the boss and on the edges of these lines. No telegraphs except for the glowing cracks on the floor.

One of either (X or + shape):

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIVThe Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

To handle:
1.) For melee, step on a LONG elevated line NEAR the boss (small green circles)
2.) For ranged, stay away from the edges of both long and short lines (big green circles)

Either Liquefaction or Undermine

Liquefaction - the floor turns to quicksand that insta-kills anyone standing on it for a few seconds, while also marking everyone with circle AoEs that will consecutively spawn 3 other circle AoEs. Stepping on an elevated line that appeared in Ravensclaw will protect you from the quicksand

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIVThe Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

To handle:
1.) Assign melee to cardinals and ranged to intercardinals (see 1st photo above)
2.) Melee should stand on short lines while Ranged will be on long lines
3.) If the line directly on your position isn't the one you need, move clockwise (see 2nd photo)
4.) Everyone resolve their first AoE explosion on the farthest part of their assigned line, then slowly move towards the center as you spawn your other circle AoEs

Update: I noticed in some parties that they stick to their original lines regardless if it's long or short. I guess this is better since it will avoid confusion when moving clockwise

Undermine - same as Liquefaction but instead of quicksand, there's an X-shaped AoE on the arena floor that will explode and leave a puddle. Avoid the puddle and go to the edge of both the arena+AoE nearest your assigned position, then drop your puddles from there

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

Ruby Ray - straight-line AoE. There are still circle AoEs from the previous mechanic when this starts casting so wait for them to disappear first then move behind the boss

Optimized Ultima

Liquefaction 2 - turns the arena again into quicksand, but leaves the center safe

Ravensflight - boss will dash towards the arrows on the arena in the order that they appeared. This will be in 2 sets, having 3 dashes each. On the 2nd set, he will also have an AoE to his left or right side every dash so watch out for the claw marker. On his last dash, there will be quicksand in the middle so make sure where you're going is the safe spot. Run if you have to

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV
2nd set: he will first dash forward with claw on left or right hand. Here, run to the right!

Optimized Ultima

Ruby Dynamics - shareable AoE markers on both healers. Boss will fly to the edge and do arena-wide AoE, with the only safe spot inside his hit box. To handle this, 4 players stack on the left side of his hit box, while the other 4 stack on the right

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

Cut and Run - everyone gets marked with an AoE circle. As they explode, boss will walk and attack in a straight line from where he was, then 2 big AoEs on the side of his pathway will appear

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIVThe Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

To handle:
1.) After Ruby Dynamics, 4 players spread on the far left of the boss while the other 4 on the far right to avoid his straight-line attack
2.) Spread enough to avoid overlapping your circle AoEs
3.) After the AoEs resolve, run towards the boss to avoid the 2 big AoEs on the sides

Ruby Ray
Optimized Ultima

Liquefaction or Undermine
Ruby Ray

Optimized Ultima

Ravensflight 2 - same as the first, but the quicksand will be on the middle. Just watch out where he will be going. On the last dash, hi will again spawn a claw on the left or right. The quicksand area will also swap, leaving the center safe

Optimized Ultima - ENRAGE


Meteor Project - summons Dalamud in the background, indicated by a meter named 'Dalamud Reborn' at 100. The goal here is to reduce the meter to 0 by killing adds or comets that will appear after. The raid will wipe if the meter is not at 0 when Dalamud falls


Negative Personae - spawns 2 adds on the east and west of the arena while giving everyone either an red or blue debuff. Players must attack the add with the opposite color. Also, tanks should keep them apart to avoid giving them buffs

Meteor Stream - circle AoE attack on all DPS. Avoid overlapping

Greater Memory - adds damage up buff to both adds

Iron Chariot or Lunar Dynamo
  • Iron Chariot - AoE around add- move away!
  • Lunar Dynamo - donut AoE around add- move close

Negative Affect - summons 2 untargetable ghosts that tether to 2 DPS. Avoid touching them and bring them to their opposite-colored adds to remove their buff e.g. red ghost to blue add and vice versa

Meteor Stream

The Ruby Claw - tankbuster from adds. Use cooldowns

Greater Memory 2 - adds change their colors, requiring all players to switch targets

Meteor Stream

Iron Chariot or Lunar Dynamo


Negative Aura - look away from the boss to avoid getting fear debuff

Dalamud Impact - raid-wide AoE that wipes the party if the meter is not downed to 0

Meteor Project

Meteor Mine - marks everyone with big circle AoEs consecutively. These AoEs will drop a meteor that will later explode. They must be placed far apart from each other or else it will cause a wipe. The sequence of landing and explosion of meteors are indicated by the number of meteors on players' heads.

Screech - knock-back from the center. Use anti-knockback skills

Magitek Meteor - big meteor AoE at the center. You'll need to hide behind a meteor from the previous mechanic

The Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIVThe Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIVThe Ruby Weapon (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

To handle:
1.) Everyone bait their meteors in the order of 1-2-3-4-A(5)-B(6)-C(7)-D(8). Watch your heads to know what number your meteor is
2.) Run and stack at the center after baiting your own meteor
3.) When all meteors have dropped, run behind the last meteor (D) to avoid the center meteor. Also use your anti-knockback skills before Screech is cast
4.) Since the meteor you're hiding behind will soon explode, immediately run to the center after Magitek Meteor

Update: you may not need to use anti-knockback skills at all- just position inside boss' hitbox and get pushed in the direction of meteor 'D'. This will be optimal for melee who want to keep DPS up

Mark II Magitek Comet - 2 comets will spawn on the east and west. Tanks must get these comets with cooldowns while everyone else kills the comets

Bradamante - 2 players will be marked with straight-line AoE. Point them away from the tanks and other players, preferrably north and south

Meteor Project

Outrage - raid-wide AoE that will be cast multiple times until enrage


/p 《リクェファクション:北基準》
/p     MT
/p   D3   D4 
/p  D1     D2  
/p   H1   H2
/p     ST
/p 《クロースラッシュ:ボス基準》
/p   D1   D2
/p   H1   H2
/p   D3   D4
/p   MT     ST
/p ・隕石捨て北から時計回り
/p ・1-2-3-4-A-B-C-D
/p     1
/p   D   2 
/p  C     3  
/p   B   4
/p     A
/p ・コメットMT南西/ST北東


/p 《Liquefaction / Undermine》
/p     MT
/p   D3   D4 
/p  D1     D2  
/p   H1   H2
/p     ST
/p 《Ruby Dynamics / Cut & Run》
/p   D1   D2
/p   H1   H2
/p   D3   D4
/p   MT     ST
/p ・Meteor - Clockwise starting from North
/p ・1-2-3-4-A-B-C-D
/p     1
/p   D   2 
/p  C     3  
/p   B   4
/p     A
/p ・Tank comet - MT at SW / ST at NE

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